ganga.GangaCore.Utility.Config.Config module

A simple configuration interface for Ganga packages.

  1. Overview

PackageConfig object corresponds to a configuration section in the INI file. Typically each plugin handler has its own section. Additionally Ganga provides a somewhat arbitrary number of other configuration packages.

Configuration of the package is done in several phases:
  • phase one: developer defines the hardcoded values in his package (default level);
  • phase two: at startup ganga reads config files and set options (session level);
    setSessionValue() is used
  • phase three: at runtime user may modify options via GPI (user level);
    setUserValue() is used for setting, getEffectiveOption() for getting
  1. Defining default options for your package:

import GangaCore.Utility.Config

config = GangaCore.Utility.Config.getConfig(‘MyPackage’)

config.addOption(‘opt1’,’x’,’this is option 1’) config.addOption(‘opt2’,3.0, ‘this is option 2’)

The default values of the options may be strings, numbers,other built-in types or any GPI objects names defined in the global config_scope dictionary (in this module).

IMPORTANT: choose the type of the default value carefully: session and user options will be automatically converted to the type implied by the default value (you may also override the type checking default in setDefaultOption) . The conversion is done as following (for setSessionValue and setUserValue):

  • nothing is done (value is assigned ‘as-is’):
    • if the default type is a string and the assigned value is a string
    • if there is no default value
  • eval the string value
  • check if the type matches the default type and raise ConfigError in case of mismatch
    • unless the default type is None

Typically strings are assigned via setSessionValue() as they are read from the config file or command line.

Note for bootstrap procedure: it is OK to first set the session option and then to set it’s default value. That is to say that the configuration may be read from the config file prior to loading the corresponding module which uses it. It is NOT OK to set user options before the end of the bootstrap procedure.

  1. Getting effective values and using callback handlers

To get the effective value of an option you may use:

print(config[‘opt1’]) print(config.getEffectiveOption(‘opt1’)) print(config.getEffectiveOptions()) # all options

The effective value takes into account default, session and user settings and may change at runtime. In GPI users only get the effective values and may only set values at the user level.

You may also attach the callback handlers at the session and user level. Pre-process handlers may modify what has been set. Post-process handlers may be used to trigger extra actions.

def pre(opt,val):
print(‘always setting a square of the value’) return val*2
def post(opt,val):
print(‘effectively set’,val)


  1. How does user see all this in GPI ?
There is a GPI wrapper in GangaCore.GPIDev.Lib.Config which:
  • internally uses setUserValue and getEffectiveOption
  • has a more appealing interface